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DataElementAttribute Class

EDI DOM validation attribute for data elements data type. Validates X12 DT, X12 AN, X12 TM, X12 N, X12 R, EDIFACT A, EDIFACT AN, EDIFACT N, TELCO_DT, TELCO_TM, TELCO_AN, TELCO_D, TELCO_N Validates EDI code sets and EDI qualifiers Validates HIPAA D8 and HIPAA RD8 Alphabetic or alphanumeric types are validated only if a syntax set is provided. The available syntax sets are: EDIFACT UNOA EDIFACT UNOB X12 Basic X12 Extended TELCO Default
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: EdiFabric.Core.Annotations.Validation
Assembly: EdiFabric (in EdiFabric.dll) Version:
public class DataElementAttribute : ValidationAttribute

The DataElementAttribute type exposes the following members.

Public methodDataElementAttribute(String, Type) Initializes a new instance of the DataElementAttribute class.
Public methodDataElementAttribute(String, Type, String) Initializes a new instance of the DataElementAttribute class.
Public propertyCode EDI code for the data element.
Public propertyDataType The EDI DOM type of the data element.
Public propertySyntax The regex to validate the data element if type is AN or A.
Public methodValidateEdi Detects if an EDI data element is valid according to its EDI DOM type.
(Overrides ValidationAttributeValidateEdi(ValidationContext))
See Also