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EdiMessage Methods

The EdiMessage type exposes the following members.

Public methodClearCache Clears the internal cache used to speed up validation. Use after the message was validated and before making a deep copy or saving to a database.
Public methodCopy Creates a deep copy of the current instance.
Public methodFlattenRawSegments Converts an EdiMessage to a list of segments as strings
Public methodFlattenSegments Flattens the EDI segments into a list.
Public methodIsValid Validates a message according to its EDI DOM validation attributes and its structure.
Public methodIsValidAsync(ValidationSettings) Validates a message async according to its EDI DOM validation attributes and its structure.
Public methodIsValidAsync(CancellationToken, ValidationSettings) Validates a message async according to its EDI DOM validation attributes and its structure.
Public methodToEdi(EdifactWriterSettings)Obsolete.
Converts an EdiMessage to EDI string
Public methodToEdi(NcpdpScriptWriterSettings)Obsolete.
Converts an EdiMessage to EDI string
Public methodToEdi(X12WriterSettings)Obsolete.
Converts an EdiMessage to EDI string
See Also