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EdiFabric.Core.Annotations.Edi Namespace

Public classAllAttribute EDI DOM attribute to mark an unordered EDI items group. Used to group EDI segments without a trigger segment and in any order.
Public classCompositeAttribute EDI DOM attribute to mark a composite EDI data element.
Public classEdiAttribute Base class for all EDI DOM attributes.
Public classEdiCodesAttribute EDI DOM attribute for EDI code sets of EDI data elements.
Public classGroupAttribute EDI DOM attribute to mark a loop for both X12 and EDIFACT. All EDI standards define grouping of EDI segments (implicit loop in X12). Every EDI loop begins with a mandatory, one time repeat, trigger EDI segment. All EDI segments within EDI loops can only appear in the predefined by the EDI rule sequence.
Public classMessageAttribute EDI DOM attribute to mark an EDI transaction set. EDI transactions or EDI messages are defined by the EDI rules and represent the hierarchical structure of EDI business transactions. Each EDI transaction can be identified by its EDI transaction ID and EDI version. X12 versions can also be set per the whole EDI functional group in the GS segment but the version in ST segment takes precedence. EDIFACT versions are set in the UNH segment.
Public classOneOfAttribute EDI DOM attribute to mark an unordered EDI items group. Used to group EDI segments without a trigger segment and in any order. Only one segment in the group can exist.
Public classPosAttribute EDI DOM attribute to mark position. EDI rules define the exact position and sequence of each EDI item (EDI segment, EDI loop or EDI data element) within the top level or any loop. Although the properties of each class are in the correct sequence, the EDI parse uses .NET's reflection GetProperties() which returns all properties defined for a class but not necessarily in the sequence they appear in the actual file.
Public classSegmentAttribute EDI DOM attribute to mark an EDI segment. EDI segments are identified by their tag (or EDI segment ID) and then the values of the first two EDI data elements, if any of them is defined with EDI data element codes. The EDI parser will search for matches based on the EDI segment tag first and then will match the values of the first EDI data element if it's not null. If there was a match for the first EDI data element then the EDI parser will try and match the second EDI data element. This is useful where multiple same-tag EDI segments can appear in a non-sequence EDI group based on the context of the EDI transaction. Example would be HIPPA NM1 receiver name or NM1 submitter name.
Public classSeqOfAttribute EDI DOM attribute to mark an ordered EDI items group. Used to group EDI segments without a trigger segment and in order.
Public classSplitterAttribute EDI DOM attribute to mark splitter. The message will be split by the property marked with this attribute. It can only mark loops at the top level and only one per message.