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SegmentErrorContext Class

Information for the data, error codes and the context of the EDI segments that failed.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: EdiFabric.Core.Model.Edi.ErrorContexts
Assembly: EdiFabric (in EdiFabric.dll) Version:
public sealed class SegmentErrorContext : ErrorContext

The SegmentErrorContext type exposes the following members.

Public methodSegmentErrorContext Initializes a new instance of the SegmentErrorContext class.
Public methodSegmentErrorContext(String, Int32, String, TypeInfo) Initializes a new instance of the SegmentErrorContext class.
Public methodSegmentErrorContext(String, Int32, String, TypeInfo, SegmentErrorCode, String) Initializes a new instance of the SegmentErrorContext class.
Public methodSegmentErrorContext(String, Int32, String, TypeInfo, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the SegmentErrorContext class.
Public methodSegmentErrorContext(String, Int32, String, TypeInfo, String, SegmentErrorCode, String) Initializes a new instance of the SegmentErrorContext class.
Public propertyCodes The syntax error codes.
Public propertyErrors The EDI data element error contexts.
Public propertyLoopId The Loop ID.
Public propertyName The EDI segment ID.
Public propertyPosition The numerical count position of the EDI segment from the start of the EDI transaction set. The EDI transaction set header is count position 1.
Public propertySpecRef The spec reference.
Public propertySpecType The EDI segment type in the spec.
Public propertyValue The EDI segment line.
Public methodAdd(DataElementErrorContext) Adds a new EDI data element context into the errors collection.
Public methodAdd(SegmentErrorCode) Adds a syntax error code to the error codes collection.
Public methodSort Sorts the EDI segment error contexts by position
See Also