Retail Success Story

Customer Profile: MemorySoft

Memory Soft was formed in 1989 and specializes in applications for supermarkets and distributors. Since then they have grown to cover all aspects of the market especially in facilitating the connection between suppliers and purchasers. Their proprietary business management solutions provide companies the tools to better perform all their daily activities.

1. Business challenge

In 2003, we moved into the .NET world and built our first enterprise application under this framework using mostly proprietary information interchange. EDI was just a huge black box that was excessively over-complicated and was to be left alone at any cost!

Slowly, the proprietary formats disappeared, and XML was widely introduced, so we purchased the necessary tools to manage this. The last hurdle was EDI, which is still used by most industry leaders and could not be ignored anymore. We searched for a tool similar to the XML tools we had, but most solutions were very complicated, very expensive, or personalized.

Martin Hart, Senior Developer

Memory Soft needed to support both XML and X12 and were looking for a solution that is easy to implement, and with a good, clear and concise API.

2. Solution

After a web search, I saw an article on Code Project and could not believe how easy it seemed to use. This must be very expensive, I thought! There must be some catch!

I requested a demo for EdiFabric, did my own testing, and was truly amazed at how easy EDI really was. I can implement a complete data conversion with a new supplier in one working day, yes one day!

Martin Hart, Senior Developer

Memory Soft selected EdiFabric because it was very similar to the XML solution they had, it was easy to implement, robust and 100% configurable. They started with virtually zero EDI experience and were able to integrate EdiFabric in just 3 days.

3. Benefits

All dealings with EdiFabric have been quick, helpful, and easy to work with. The price is great, and the product is phenomenal.

Martin Hart, Senior Developer

Memory Soft was able to automate processes for their clients seamlessly and to significantly reduce the time needed to onboard them with calculating just one day for each new supplier.

EdiFabric was easy to learn and extend, and after successfully integrating invoices into their customer’s system they are planning to expand this with DESADV and ORDERS soon.

EdiFabric was very cost-effective and provided a configurable, robust and familiar (.NET) API that helped Memory Soft to offer their customers fully compliant EDI integration.