Healthcare Success Story

Customer Profile: Avizzor Health Solution

Avizzor Health Solution is the leading specialty benefits management company in Puerto Rico and South Florida, providing a range of products on the health chain billing such as Billing Software, Clearing House Solution, and Claim Processing.

1. Business challenge

For the purposes of processing all kinds of health care electronic documents, Avizzor needed a tool that can translate and generate EDI files encoded in the X12 HIPAA format. Given the variety of trading partners and their respective specifications and EDI codes, it was pivotal that the tool provides a sufficient level of extensibility and customization to support all their partner requirements and formats.

2. Solution

Avizzor Health Solution was looking for a flexible solution based on Microsoft .NET, that will allow their developer team to make fast progress initially and then to be easy to extend in the future. They evaluated other available tools, including open-source, but neither of them was robust and extensible enough for what they needed.

Their team is very experienced with EDI and X12, and they started by examining EdiFabric EDI Tools’ Trial and the online documentation. The most challenging part was to learn how to create custom templates, and they were able to put together a fully working POC in just two days.

EdiFabric EDI Tools integration is easy with any well structured .NET Project.

Omar Salas, Software Developer

3. Benefits

Avizzor Health Solution was able to translate large EDI batches and generate X12 documents easily and efficiently using EdiFabric EDI Tools.

They benefited from a quick initial integration and were able to promptly add new formats or partners due to the ease of use, sleek design, and vast product documentation and examples.

The developers were amazed at the performance and robustness of the product, thus enhancing their overall productivity.

We do a lot of use of your amazing library in all our processes.

Omar Salas, Software Developer